Brand Development of Epic Proportions

Big bucks, mind-blowing brand development? When you're a multi-national company with a major global stake in PCs, video, movies, music and all media in general, how do you capture and communicate a multi-level, hideously complicated, all-encompassing brand element in 90 seconds? Perhaps mirroring the epic scope of the infamous one-time Apple Macintosh "1984" Super Bowl spot, Sony has released a senses-numbing 90-second spot called "Make Believe" that, well, totally immerses the viewer into all things Sony. Cataclysmic car chase, collapsing buildings, tumbling airborne sand buggies, pulsating rock concert - all at the touch of a digitized button. The underlying message delivered by the bewildered and awe-struck urban youth stumbling through the fantasy vision served up by technological special-effects wizardry is simply this: Sony owns the digital universe.
What's real and what's fantasy? In the Sony tag: "Believe that anything you can imagine, you can make real."
Labels: brand development, brand equity, global communication, PR, Sony, TV spot, video
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