Purdue fires up new early-stage fund, expands talent database

Purdue, always the innovator in higher education and disruptive technology, earlier this year launched a faculty/student early-stage fund that has superb connectivity with both angels and VCs. Check out the new Emerging Innovations Fund at http://www.emerginginnovationsfund.org/ for more info. Also of major merit, the Indiana Economic Development Corporation has expanded the university talent database to include top faculty (and moreimportantly, what they're working and their levels of field expertise) on an new INDURE Web portal. Interested in nanotechnology, biotech, engineering and the like? Check out Purdue, IU, Notre Dame and Ball State faculty talent and subject matter expertise at https://www.indure.org/
A quick read of my Midwest Business column also provides more details: http://www.midwestbusiness.com/news/viewnews.asp?newsletterID=19634
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