The Real Dangers of Obesity

It started out by researching some information about the $187 billion obesity epidemic in America for our hospital client. As I read of what early diabetes--which is a documented frequent outcome of childhood obesity--does to the human body and particularly to young children, I became afraid for an entire generation. As one lawyer commented several years ago, "Americans have the Constitutional right to be stupid." Unfortunately to not recognize what we are doing to ourselves with non-stop advertising of harmful fast foods--particularly to our children--is shameful--and stupid. We know better.
This is not to demean or chasten those who are currently overweight (myself included) or obese, but to begin to issue a call to action.
Accordingly, the forthcoming Major Health Partners childhood obesity prevention effort will get attention that may be above and beyond--but it's needed and worth it!
For more information about just the economic costs to America for obesity, see the attached chart from McKinsey. Whew-let's get going!
Labels: cancer, childhood diseases, diabetes, fat, health, obesity
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